Friday, July 25, 2008

Lion Hug is the new Bear Hug

In honor of my birthday/zodiac (I'm a Leo you know) here's an uplifting moment with a fellow lion....

They say we are loyal - and so it seems to go....! Makes me want to go give someone a lion hug. (and from this day forward I decree the lion hug to be far superiors to the hug previously known as the bear hug!)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Barack Obama bought me candy....twice.

Upon sending out this fun link Gil has a moment about viral marketing I truly cherished - it's the interwebs and groupthink and social experimenting in all it's hypnotic glory:

Gil says:
you sent it to me, I sent it to a couple people, and, subconsciously, even though I know it's a joke.. the idea was planted that Obama helped me move my sofa, and he has picture of me in his wallet.

Oh yeah? Well Obama bought me candy....twice! ;)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cheezburger update

I have to report back on my 'dreamjob post'.

Indeed the very fine people at Cheezburger did think my post was somethin', cause I got a call for the job.

Sadly, it was at a competing time as my day job and not a job I could take as my day job for $$ reasons - and not hours that I could do outside of my 9-5er (which I would have done for the cheezes!)

Great people though - and very cool gal who called me. Maybe something in the cheezburger?

Latest Fav Vid

Spanish Love Song

Monday, April 21, 2008

I can has dreemjobz?

Thanks to Andrew I didn't miss today's announcement that one of my favorite sites is not only local, but they're hiring a moderator. Andrew knew it was the perfect job for me.

And, well Cheezburger, I'm your woman! And here's why:

First and foremost, see my second blog entry below, from last May. I have luvd u from the beginning, from before conception (as explained below), and even to this day, as my current IM subtitle holds the link to the Jones Soda contest. I am a cheezburger through and through.

Now that we've successfully established I have a passion for the cheez, let's get down to some business qualifications.

I have a background in marketing and project management for web content and have worked with companies such as MS and Expedia, and want to be part of something grassroots and driven more and more by my passions. (this means you! and photography and wine accoutrements)

I believe my interests and background could be a fantastic investment for the future of all LOLcatz if we find we're a great fit for one another. You would show me some start-up type ropes, and I have some business skills that I could bring the table beyond the moderator role, if it we discover it to be appropriate and so desired...

Besides, like my post states below, I've laughed until I've cried with the LOLcatz. LOLcatz were my rock - for enjoyment, stress relief, and part of what inspired me to push my personal boundaries and go for my passions.

I would love to take that to the next step by being directly involved with your group, and look forward to a possible consideration for the position. Let's talk!