Thursday, May 3, 2007

i <3 teh interwebs

Why you might ask? At the core, it's really just because it's cool, rad and great! (thanks Andrew)

Cool, 'cause all the information available and people I can meet.
***like how to make Snickerdoodles on Wikipedia and making friends in other countries***

Rad for all the entertainment available anytime I'm online.
***like the this web2.0 vid on YouTube***


Great for all the commerce and stuff I can get
***like that great book or cool camera lens, or whatever else!***

Of course, there's also the mash-up of all these elements which transends the awesomeness of any one component alone. Like when they all collide in the form of my friend from another country bidding on EBay on an old version of Atari Mouse Trap and sending it to me as a birthday present!

Might I call that Life 2.0?

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